Unlock Efficiency, Drive Savings with TCO Check by Sourceful.

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authorized for OutSystems Customer Success Services.

Embark on a journey of efficiency, innovation, and sustained success with TCO Check by Sourceful. Continue exploring to discover how our methodology can empower your organization to extract maximum value from your Enterprise Software investments.

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TCO Check by Sourceful: Empowering Your Technology Investments

TCO Check: Sourceful's pioneering solution for tackling rising Total Cost of Ownership in Enterprise Software. It goes beyond assessment, offering a strategic methodology to revolutionize how organizations derive value from technology investments. OutSystems and Sourceful collaborate in Europe, piloting a new concept that extends the Customer Success Proposition to the OutSystems Partner network.

Looking back over the last 5 years, OutSystems has experienced enormous growth.

With the OutSystems Partner-Led Customer Success initiative, we leverage our growing ecosystem to invest in both our existing platform and the next-gen OutSystems Developer Cloud. This pilot, in collaboration with OutSystems Partners, prioritizes efficiency, scalability, and security to ensure every customer achieves optimal value.

Unlock efficiency and speed up development cycles by capitalizing on modular and reusable components across projects.

  • Comprehensive Analysis

    TCO Check begins with an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of your Enterprise Software ecosystem. It scrutinizes operational costs, identifies inefficiencies, and serves as the foundation for strategic decision-making.

  • Proven Methodology

    Backed by Sourceful's extensive experience and success stories, TCO Check unfolds as a proven methodology. It has been refined through collaborations with diverse clients, ensuring its effectiveness in a variety of business environments.

  • Efficiency Unleashed

    The core focus of TCO Check is to uncover hidden potential within your organization. It doesn't just highlight problems; it provides actionable insights to streamline operations, reduce unnecessary costs, and enhance overall efficiency.

  • Strategic Roadmap

    TCO Check doesn't end with an assessment; it paves the way for a Smart Roadmap. This strategic plan is tailored to align with your organizational goals, ensuring that each step contributes significantly to your success.

  • Expert Guidance

    TCO Check brings the expertise of Sourceful to your organization. From restructuring platform architecture to identifying the right projects, building Centers of Excellence, and implementing Customer Success Plans, it offers expert guidance at every stage.

Increase in productivity


Faster time to market


Acceleration in innovation


Outsystems and Sourceful have joint forces in Europe to Pilot a new concept which expands to the Customer Succes Proposition to the Outsystems Partner network

  • Productivity Gaps: Enhance efficiency of dev and maintenance teams.
  • Code Convention Adherence: Ensure seamless collaboration with the right code conventions.
  • Logic Reusability: Maximize OutSystems benefits through logic reuse (target: at least 70%).
  • Technical Debt Management: Address technical debt exceeding the recommended 15%.
  • High-Code Component Alignment: Verify integration in both backend and UI via JavaScript.
  • Business Goals Alignment: Align goals with an effective product roadmap and landscape architecture.

Benefits and Opportunities of TCO Check for Customers and Businesses ✨

Cost Management

Identify inefficiencies and optimize spending, leading to significant cost reductions. Strengthen financial health and profitability through strategic cost management.

Operational Excellence

Streamline operations and enhance productivity for a smoother user experience. Ensure operational efficiency, aligning processes with overarching business objectives.

Risk Mitigation

Proactively address risks, ensuring stability, compliance, and business continuity.Safeguard against potential threats, fostering a secure and resilient operational environment.

Strategic Alignment

Gain insights into IT investments' alignment with business goals for informed decision-making. Foster strategic alignment, enhancing competitiveness and long-term success.

Customer Experience Enhancement

Optimize software performance for an improved end-user experience. Boost customer loyalty by delivering high-quality products and services.

Innovation and Efficiency

Encourage innovation by freeing up resources and reducing technical debt. Stay ahead of competitors by fostering agility and adaptability in a dynamic market.

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